1.All the information should be relevant to the point and promote your argument, much like how you choose information for your speeches.
2.This should be relevant to anyone unfamiliar with the concept of architecture, and how it applies to a development environment.
3.What started it was one simple ideals Christianity needed to be reinvented if it wanted to be relevant to the modern world.
4.The question is how much traffic do you need to be relevant to an advertiser?
5."Can you see how you can be relevant to what I'm trying to do? "
6.Whether Hine maintained a fidelity to what transpired in real time may or may not be relevant to its symbolic import.
7.Two of those genes seems to be relevant to cholesterol.
8.Ekman's observation may be relevant to the British expression "keep a stiff upper lip" as a recommendation for handling stress.
9.First, each state tends to be relevant to different system users.
10.If it is, then the novel pattern may prove to be relevant to an understanding of how humans are distinctive creatures.